
Also this year we will refuse Christmas presents to our customers and instead we are delighted to donate to two organizations. Again we support the approach of supporting a local and an international organization.

Our donations in 2018 went to the following organizations:

Local: SiWa e.V. – Association Safe Water – the next station is planned and without the tireless efforts of the SiWa the welcome refreshment in the German hot summer 2018 would have often failed. Here, integration is practiced and we appreciate to support their commitment in here !

International: Dentists Without Borders – the roasted almonds crunch between our teeth and the Christmas cookies are sweetly decorated this year, but arghhh… . Thanks to the advice of an employee, we now know about the volunteer work of some committed “Dentists without Borders” and we are happy to be able to take some people the nasty toothache 2019.

Juli 2018:

We enjoyed our short distance to SAP …

Gern nahmen wir am SAP Partnertreffen teil und halten wieder “News aus Walldorf” für Sie bereit.

GirlsDay 2018:

Wie schon 2017 hat arkus auch dieses Jahr am GirlsDay teilgenommen und so durften wir am 28.04. vier junge Mädchen bei uns im Büro begrüßen. Gemeinsam haben die Mädels kleine Programmieraufgaben bewältigt und sich mit Scratch an einem ersten Spiel versucht.

Wir haben uns sehr über euren Besuch gefreut und hoffen, dass der Tag euch ebenfalls gefallen hat!

01.04.2008 – 01.04.2018:

Arkus gibt es nun seit 10 Jahren!

10 Jahre mit tollen Projekten, spannenden Aufgaben und tollen Menschen – unser Dank gilt allen Kunden, Partnern und Freuden.


01. Januar 2018:

Beside lots of great ongoing customer projects we are going to migrate our Demo App to our S/4 HANA environment and are looking forward to the booked up:

We wish you a groovy start for 2018.

15. Dezember 2017:

We look back to a fantastic year and wish you a great time to spend some time with your families and friends.

As usual we are happy to support some social projects and this time we decided to support the logistics for the “kids help kids” initiative:

In addition we filled up the donations from arkus & friends for an animal sponsorship for a falcon in the wild animal station Sparrieshoop.

April 2017:

We participated in at the Girls’Day 2017. Due to this, we had four girls in the age of 10 to 12 visiting us. Together we gained knowledge in the area of Business-Apps and gained first experiences in programming. Together with the girls, we developed two games at the end of the day.

Thank you for visiting us. We had a lot of fun with you and we were able to give you a little insight in an IT working environment. 

February 2017:

We decided to transfer the donation from the arkus&friends evening to the Hamburger Sportjugend.

The Hamburger Sportjugend supports children and teenager to do the sports they want to do.

January 2017:

We started the year 2017 with an evening among friends. arkus invited for a cosy evening with 2 good lectures.

Thanks to all who were present and for constructive discussion culture. Thank you for your Feedback on our lecture with a slightly different presentation style.

Also thank you to Michael for his lecture “Fachkräftemangel und Wandel in der Arbeitswelt“.

December 2016:

Dear customers and partners,

We look back on a great year 2016 and wish you cozy Christmas Holidays as well as a great start for 2017.

This year we also enjoy being a bit stingy with you however preferred the direct way to the great society supporting organization of the “Hamburger Tafel”. We are also very pleased to be able to support the friends of SiWa e.V. in their numerous activities.

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